Art Deco - Task 2
I am a learner at Glen Taylor School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in Room 11 and my teacher is Miss Tupou.
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Art Deco - Task 2
Thoughts On Silent Films . *The Lions Cage" .
Thoughts On Silent Films . *The Lions Cage" .
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Task 1
Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Task 1
Summer Learning Journey Task 2
Summer Learning Journey Task 2
Summer Learning Journey . TASK 1 Cathedral .
Summer Learning Journey . TASK 1 Cathedral .
Summer Learning Journey ! Task 1
Friday, 18 September 2020
. Maori Work Bank .
. Maori Work Bank .

Friday, 28 August 2020
LCS tAsK 6 aNd 7 !

Family Diagram !

Friday, 21 August 2020
Anime Characters !
Anime Characters !, Here's the last task I've done it was about "Anime Characters ! " & which anime they came from and little description about them and their names ! honestly didn't know anything about anime..but got help from friends and google cause there's always help around :) yerr !!
TikTokers !
The Legend Of Aho'eitu ! *Tonga*
The Legend Of Aho'eitu ! *Tonga*
Here's the first task I did for today! I was very interesting to learn about a different myth & legends ! Hope you enojy and learn more about " Aho'eitu" like I did aswell
Pobble *Work On Writing ( Daily 5 )
Pobble *Work On Writing ( Daily 5 )
Here's what I have chosen to do for Work ON Writing *Daily 5 today,I had to answer question below the picture & the picture was very interesting !! Enjoy this and that yerr! :)))
Personal Timelines !
Personal Timelines !
Here's my LCS Task 5 ! *Personal Timelines..We had to write the date & Event that was very memorial for us and that was very heartwarming ! I've done six because I couldn't think of what other times and things I've done..the memories were just to great to share will ya'll !!
RHYME TIME ! *Word Work ( daily 5 )
RHYME TIME ! *Word Work ( daily 5 )
Here's what I have chosen to do for Word Work today ( Daily 5 ) We were given words and had to come up with words that would Rhyme with that word! Don't come for me,the words I rhymed with it might and might not rhyme but at least I tried you know,yerrr !! HAH enjoyy peoplez !Thursday, 20 August 2020
Silly Sentence * Daily 5
Silly Sentence * Daily 5
Here's my " Silly Sentence" I have chosen to do for my "Word Work" that I have done for daily 5 today ! Hopefully you have a great rest of my silly sentence's ! Enjoy yerrr !
Acrostic POEM ! *Identity
Acrostic POEM ! *Identity
Here's My Acrostic POEM ! * identity ! Just something I picked to do for "Work On Writing" During Daily 5 today :))
LCS Task 4 * Life goals
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Word Work *Meaning Of Words ( Daily 5 )
Word Work *Meaning Of Words ( Daily 5 )
Here what I did for Word Work * Daily 5 Today,We were given words and had to get the meaning for the word and here's how I done it hopefully you learn new meaning's about different words and the words on the google drawing :) enjoy my guyzWork On Writing *Once Upon A Picture.. ( Daily 5 )
Work On Writing *Once Upon A Picture.. ( Daily 5 ) '
Here my Work On Writing Task * Once Upon A Picture... I had chosen a picture and answered questions that were below it and was a very interesting picture and questions that came with the picture aswell .
LCS Task 3 *Wednesday
LCS Task 3 *Wednesday
Here is what I did for LCS Task 3, we were told to make a family tree and here is mine,Mother & Father ! Hope you enjoy and yess! It was very interesting to make and kinda hard but not aswell :))
Factional Blocks * maths ( my questions )
Factional Blocks * maths ( my questions )
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
LCS Task Two *
LCS Task Two *
Heres my LCS Task 2' I was kinda like LCS Task 1 but with more information. This was also really easy because It was about me again and was really fun aswell! Enjoy as always *
LCS Task One * Monday
LCS Task One * Monday
Here's my first task for LCS *LearnCreateShare* it was really fun to do and easy because It was about me ! Hopefully you learnt a couple of things about me and yerr.
Would You Rather * daily five
Would You Rather * daily five
Here are my Would You Rather Questions i've done for Daily 5 "work on writing" it was very fun reading the different and very random would you rather question ! hope you enjoy mine and my answers given aswell !
Identity Collage .
Identity Collage .
Here is my Identity Collage,that was made and finished just before lockdown. The task was given to us by a teacher named "Mr Victor" known by many and it was very fun making a google drawing about Myself!
maths* home leaarning :)
M A T H S "home leaarning :)
Here's my Factional Blocks! & what I did for Maths during Monday and also Tuesday. I was insanely fun learning how to do Factional Blocks and getting into the Maths Experience and learning new things in Maths during Lockdown. Hope to learn more in the days coming !!
Thursday, 6 August 2020
Cook Island Language Week !
Cook Island Language Week !
Long Divison ( Homework ) .
~ l o n g d i v i s i o n ~
Monday, 27 July 2020
The Grinch Pop Up !
Monday, 29 June 2020
Tongan instrument- Nafa
Matariki Tasks :)
Health & Saftey Poster.
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Sunday, 7 June 2020
Ancient Egypt :)
Tuesday, 2 June 2020
f i r e p o s t e r : )
Friday, 29 May 2020
p a n i k e k e : )
Thursday, 28 May 2020
p a n i p o p o : )
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Mothers Day !!!
k o k o a l a i s a : )
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Daily 5 :)
Tuesday, 7 April 2020
Character Description
Friday, 3 April 2020
mathswork .
here's some math work I did over the week I really enjoyed doing this it was fun learning new strategies and yess :)) hopefully you guys like math too and stay safe & stay inside don't wanna catch the virus :)
"Letter to MY LIFE :)